Thursday, December 4, 2008


Think twice before you announce NO! Yes, I am sure! Managing a Project without a Manager is like flying a Plane without a Pilot. Could you manage a flight without pilot? (assuming you are not a professional pilot)none will dare to risk their lives, the same is applicable to Projects. You need a Manager who could manage the Project.

Do small and Trivial projects need a Manager? Yes at least a Manager who could set a process to be followed by his team members.

Project Manager can have a profound effect in the juggling of multiple projects, especially when there is little or no staff to spare. Project Managers are a special breed that look at projects from a different perspective.

Project Managers are too expensive!!!

While having a dedicated Project Manager may incur costs in the beginning, it is an investment that will result in more satisfied clients, referrals and testimonials. What is the value of that? Priceless!

You think cutting the role of project management will save on valuable resources, consider project management as a direct investment in the growth of your business.

Still thinking not to employ/fire a Project Manager?

"Trying to manage a project without project management is like trying to play a football game without a game plan."- K. Tate